Tag Archives: life’s journey

How To Fail And Succeed

Do you know that one of the quickest ways to be nothing is to do nothing?

If you don’t want to fail,do nothing.

If you don’t want to make mistakes,do nothing.

If you don’t want to succeed,do nothing……Then watch the world pass you by.

The world has painted the word ‘failure’ in a bad light that it has affected people’s mindset and approach towards failure.Many people have driven themselves into inertia as a result of the fear living inside of them .Ideas and dreams are on hold,fear of not been good enough_mediocrity is rampant,has stagnated a lot of people.

You see,the deal is this:no life is a failure,problem and mistake free.As long as you are enrolled in this school called LIFE,you are not immune or exempted from failure.No one is!

Failure has its reason for existing.Have you ever paused to ponder what life will look

like,would have been,if we try something and didn’t make mistakes,meet any resistance and challenge?

There would be no experience and story to tell or learn from.There would be no feeling of satisfaction at having done something.People appreciate more what they worked hard for to get than what they didn’t sweat to get.

From history,great men have been failing.Their success today is attributed to their failure.

Check this:

*Charles Darwin gave up a medical career and was told by his father,”you care for nothing but shooting dogs and rat catching.”

*Henry Ford failed and went broke five times before he succeeded.

*Thomas Edison’s teacher said he was too stupid to learn anything!As an inventor,he made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb_an invention with 1,000 steps.When he was asked about his failings,he said,”I have not failed.I have just found 9,999 ways that do not work.”

These great men were not stopped by failure or mistakes,neither did they back off because of people’s opinion about them.

Humans are prone to failure because of limitation.

God pointed out  that,”though the righteous falls seven times,he will get up.”God is saying here that there will be a fall,a mistake and when it happens ;don’t stay down,don’t give up,dust yourself up and continue from where you fell.

If you must succeed in life,here are


1.Change Your Attitude Towards Failure:”As a man thinks,so is he.” The way you think and feel about failure affects your pursuit of success.You need a positive attitude to fail and try again.

God gave us a positive and bold spirit,not fear.Do not let fear ruin you.Do not fear failure.Try again.

2.Do Not Personalize Failure:It is human to fail.No one is immune from it.Failure is an event and not a person_not you.It is not a racial nor gene thing either.That you failed once does not make you a flop.It only means that you have not found the method that works.It is alright to fail but,not alright to stay down after failing.

3.See Failure As A Success Tool:When there is a pursuit,people look for ways and the tools to facilitate  and help achieve it.Trial and error are one of the tools of solving life’s problem.It is a necessary tool to know ways and methods that can produce the desired result.Thomas Edison found 9,999 ways that will not work out for his light bulb invention.

4.Learn From Your Failure:Failure is a teacher.At every point in life,there are two ways to getting paid:with money or experience.If you fail,you have succeeded halfway by trying and have also gained experience

As you step out to pursue your dreams:let your dreams be bigger than your fears.Let your desire be greater than the fear and thought of failure.Do not allow the fear of failure to limit you or deny you the opportunity to seek and explore other ways of achieving your dreams,ambition and glorious destiny.
Failure does not come from falling down.Failure comes from not getting up.

Do you have other tips too?Please use the comment box.Don’t forget to share.Let’s do it together.

To Your Purpose Fulfillment!