Category Archives: Self Development

Having a Good Name: What You Never Knew


Would you say your name is good?

Of course, I’m not talking about your actual name, Jane. Not Charles or Chichi either. I’m driving at what your name implies. Like what do people think of you when your name is mentioned during a conversation? What are you all about from a moral and ethical point of view?

Two events played out these past few weeks which made me realize that people are pursuing secondary matters without taking care of the most important aspect of their lives first. A good name.

I walked into an office a week ago. There I met a young guy who came for an interview at the office. No sooner had we exchanged pleasantries that he was called up for the interview. So I went about with what took me there. An hour later while I was outside the office, I saw the guy. I walked up to him to know how his interview went. His countenance did a little job of hiding his disappointment. He didn’t get the job, he told me. He went further to tell me how his former boss had called the owner who interviewed him to give a bad referral about him. Truth is he was guilty of what his former boss said about him.


The young guy sold his former boss’ products without his knowledge, taking the proceeds from the sale. And when he was found out, he was sacked. Now he’s out in the street, looking for another job.

But wait…

Was this guy thinking his former boss will cover his bad track and allow another boss experience the same thing? To lose his own products too? Some people have an absurd way of thinking, you never can tell.

Here’s another similar scenario. But on a good record.

Say you’ve not eaten at Rosie’s before, the food vendor near your office. You met Mr. A, Mr. B, and Miss C who have used her service to make inquiries.  They all gave you the same response. “Rosie is an amazing cook. She always gives you value for your money with her tasty, sumptuous and healthy meals. Her restaurant has a clean and airy atmosphere devoid of flies and food stains.”

Armed with this testimonial about Rosie’s, you went and tried her food. She didn’t disappoint as usual. You were impressed with her service. You are now a regular at her food service. Now her business has grown by one happy customer, you. And when you meet someone who is looking for the same experience as the one Rosie’s place gave you, you will recommend Rosie’s food service to them.

Rosie’s consistency in providing the same great experience for all her customers is a record that will stick with her. Even if it’s a bad record.

These two stories are just about the way a good name or a bad name comes. Our consistent acts which became our reputation by virtue of people’s past experience and interactions with us. These acts affect our present and also have a huge impact on how our future will pan out.

So, whether it’s a leadership position, business environment or relationship goal, having a good name is essential to your success in every area of your life.

A good name is better than riches.

Yes, you could get a skill, become certified or acquire knowledge with money. However, you can’t buy a good name. You can’t equate the value of a good name with that which money can get you.

A good name goes before knowledge, certification, and skill. It’s like an integrity costume one wears which follows him wherever he goes. It’s always the first thing people will get to hear and see about you.

Having a good name is a personal decision you’ll have to make to hold yourself to a consistent standard.

And you know what?

People are not given the good name tag by a one-time act. It’s in one’s consistency of action.

A good name begins with how you relate to and deal with people on your first contact with them. People don’t care about how long you’ve been in business or how many skills you have under your long belt. They only care about how you can make them feel by virtue of their experience with you. They want to know if you can deliver what you said your service does. They just want to know if you can be trusted.


Quite a number of people out there want to be rich, successful, but don’t want to straighten out their reputation first. Probably because they are yet to know what a good name can do or lack of it can do.

If you are yet in the know of what a good name can achieve for you, let me reveal to you the benefit of having a good name


3 Benefits of having a good name

1. A good name will earn you trust

Trust is important in virtually every relationship you’ll get to have with people—business, friendship, family, etc. And it’s also fragile. It can take you many years to build trust and one wrong move to bring it crumbling.


Psychologists have discovered that trust is the first emotional bond people develop as humans. So trust is seen as a survival mechanism in the midst of a chaotic world.

Now you see that people are looking for trustworthy relationships to survive, so the reason why having a good name is essential to earning their trust.

As people seek relationships, they can only end up with someone they can trust. I’ve stated it before that business has gone relational instead of transactional. People now transact business with a brand They know, like, and trust online.  And offline too.

Now the question is this.

Are you reliable? Do you stick to deadlines? Do you have people’s best interest at heart? If what you do to them is detrimental to their wellbeing and hurts their business, they won’t have any reason to continue any dealing with you as it has reduced your credibility to be trusted.

The case of the guy I met at that office is a true example of one whose acts are endangering someone’s business. His act turned out to give him a bad name. When people are able to trust you, they can stick with you for a long time. And you know what this means, especially if you are a businessman.

Having people to get to trust you begins in the consistency of actions you display towards them. These consistent acts are what makes people to be sure of what you can do or not. And what they can expect from you.


2. A good name attracts recommendation

Let me ask you. Have you ever been recommended by someone you’ve worked for to another person?

You did?

It sure happened because you did a good job of producing an amazing result. If you had done a bad job, you would have been painted in a bad light to anyone who cares to know.

Truth is, a job well done sells like hot beans. Referrals will keep coming from all angles. The referrals will ensure you get a continuous cycle of customers coming back for repeat service. Of course when it happens, sales revenue skyrocket. Some people will say it is favor but it isn’t. It’s your consistent acts at providing top-notch results for the services you render to people. No matter how small or big the job is, you always deliver.

Rosie’s story is a clear example of an attracted recommendation. It simply saves people time and stress. I mean, why go looking for a service when one with a great testimonial has been recommended to you?

When you deliver what you promise to do, it will earn you a good record which will increase your customer’s base through referrals.


3. A good name gets you long-term success

Yes wealth fleets, experience or skill becomes outdated over time. But not a good name.

A good name is what keeps brands in the business for a long time. A good name that was gotten from the consistent value being provided for, multiple times. When you maintain the tradition of delivering outstanding services and making your customers lives easier, they will stay with you for a long time.

A good name will bring you riches now and in the future.

What keeps a brand in business is when the brand keeps getting more and more customers. The brand with a good name enjoys bountiful privileges a brand without a good name will.

A brand I can mention which has been in business for a long time is Coca-cola. They’ve maintained a consistent standard of providing the same feeling and experience for their customers.

And now that we’ve known the importance of having a good name, let’s also look at how to get a good name.

How to get a good name

Fulfill your promise

It’s always said that a person’s name is as good as his words. Whatever the cost is, always stick to your words. Don’t say one thing and do another thing. Know what you are getting yourself into whenever you are about to make a promise. If you keep not fulfilling your words, they’ll end up to become telltale signs that you can’t be trusted. Since you can’t be trusted, how then are you going to market your product or service?

Refund if possible

If your service didn’t deliver the result it promised, then nothing can be honorable than refunding back the money.

I had a friend who got a bad review on his work profile from a client. Well, the client said he didn’t give him what he was looking for. Know what my friend did? He refunded part of the money and had the client remove the bad review. And you can imagine how it would have affected his chances of getting more work from prospective clients.

No one likes losing money. If you have a product or service out there, simply offer a money back guarantee.


Maintain a good ethical standard for your business

Businesses thrive on the good ethical standard they have and maintain day by day. These ethics are applicable to every aspect of a business conduct. Whether as an entrepreneur or corporate organization. Businesses need principles, standards, values that will help govern their actions and behavior. Failure to implement proper ethical standard will hurt their business.

One way of maintaining a good ethical standard is by being honest with customers. No overstating or exaggeration, in a bid to make a sale. Always give your customers proper information regarding a product or service.

And again, be caring. Don’t build a selfish brand that’s more concerned about their own benefit more than their customers. Remember we are talking about having a good name and earning trust here.

If your product is no longer safe for customers, do well to take it off the sale.


Wrapping it up

Having a good name is non-negotiable. Not even with money.

The lifeblood of every business or individual flows from their good name. Always act in a way that will earn the trust of people who come in contact with you.

“Life is for one generation. A good name is forever.”__Japanese proverb.

And now over to you. Tell me, what are you doing to have a good name?

Have you had any bad experience with a brand which reduced their credibility in your sight?

Use the comment section. And don’t forget to share this post, if you found it informative.



5 Effective Ways to Build Your Self -confidence

5 effective ways to build your self confidence

I’m not a confident person.

At first I wasn’t. I was that shy reserved lady who was self-conscious. I had this feeling of uncertainty about myself. I thought I hadn’t much to offer to the world.

No one will listen to me, no one will read my post if I share my thoughts online, and no one will follow my blog.

These feelings flawed my mind.

It brought my self-confidence to zero level. I didn’t believe in myself. And I wasn’t sure about my abilities.

But I wanted to be heard. I wanted to be seen.

And for me to be seen, I need to believe in myself and my abilities.

It was a journey and today, I’ve gotten my self-confidence back.

So if you are struggling with self-confidence like I did, this post will show you how to build your self-confidence.

For a start, let me explain what self-confidence is.

Self-confidence is a belief in yourself. It is trusting in your abilities to do something or be successful. And if you are someone that wants to fulfill your dreams, be seen or heard, you must have self-confidence. Because a lack of it will hold you back.

So, let’s delve into how you can build your self confidence.

  1. Change your thought process

Thoughts they say, are ancestors of deed. Our thought patterns affects almost every area of our lives. What we do and do not do .Thomas Edison said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right. “ As self-confidence is a state of mind, when you are doubtful of yourself and your abilities, it will stop you from taking any meaningful action. This is because those negative thoughts are about what you think you can’t do or what you don’t have.

The battle to live your dreams is won or lost in your mind. Negative thoughts are limiting forces to building your self-confidence. While you can’t stop negative thoughts from passing through your mind, you can stop the thoughts from building a castle in your mind. You can let go of negative thoughts and change your thought pattern by feeding your mind with positive thoughts and information. These positive thoughts will in turn show in your personality. And from there, your self-confidence is increased.

Start believing in yourself. Whenever you find yourself thinking, “I don’t have what it takes to perform this task,” quickly replace it with, “I have what it takes to perform this task.”

Stop thinking about your weakness and start looking to your strength.

  1. Face your fears

Fear comes from the thought that you are inadequate, and you are about to let the world see it when you step out.

When I was about to start out on my blog, fear surfaced from nowhere.

“Fear of if people will read, let alone follow my blog.” “Fear of I’m not good and knowledgeable enough.”


The fear was there. But I pushed through the fear because I had a dream and desire to be heard. To share and inspire.My dream was greater than the fear.

Fear will always show up when you are about to take a step or major decision meant to propel you forward.

Fear of failure. Fear of criticism. Fear of rejection.

It all starts by whispering negative thoughts into your mind.

“You can’t take up that position. You are not qualified for it.”

“How can you start a blog when your writing sucks?”

“No one will buy from you.”


These crippling thoughts robs us of our self-confidence. Because we’ll no longer see ourselves as being able to take the action.

The first step to facing your fear and overcoming it is, the awareness of the havoc fear causes. That, fear will always stop you from doing anything meaningful.

The second step is to arrest the fear. Fear is imagined. When your mind starts conjuring up those thoughts of inadequacy and not been good enough, stop the thought there on its track. Stopping the fear is done through affirmation. Speak positively to yourself. Tell yourself you can do it.

Again, a psychology study has shown that when fear starts building up, the muscles begin to tighten. To help you stop fear, identify those muscles that tighten up when you feel anxious or afraid, and try to relax them.

Be confident in yourself to know that failure, criticism, and rejection doesn’t define you. Let your dreams be bigger than your fear of failure, criticism, and rejection.

Life is about risk. So, take the risk to do what you’ve always wanted to do. Just like Nike says, “Just do it.” And watch your self confidence soar

  1. Increase your knowledge

Knowledge is a confidence builder any day. As a student, do you remember when you were about to write an exam, how you studied in readiness for the exam? On the exam day, do you remember how you felt having read and prepared?

You felt confident. Because you have read and prepared for the exam. If you hadn’t prepared for that exam, you wouldn’t be confident enough to write the exam.

If you lack knowledge, it will affect your self-confidence.

To increase your knowledge, embrace learning. Always be prepared for any given task ahead of time. Do you have a presentation to give? Prepare ahead of time to enable you get conversant with it.

Are you lacking a skill set in your chosen field or career? Go get the required skill to update your portfolio.

Read books to increase your knowledge base.

  1. Appreciate where you are now

Most of the time, focusing on what you don’t have now or what’s not working in your life can deplete your self-confidence.

Everyone is at different stages of their journey in life. The people who you see now as having achieved something for themselves, were once dealing with lack of confidence issue. But they went through the process and pulled through.

Appreciate where you are at the moment. Know yourself and seek ways to grow yourself.

Don’t be so hard on yourself. Focus on your strength instead of weakness. Realize that you are strong and also capable of pulling through to boost your confidence .You’ll get there.

  1. Socialize

Sociable people never lack self-confidence as they are always mixing and interacting with people. If you want to build your self-confidence, learn to socialize with people. If you are the type that waits for people to walk up to you to exchange pleasantries, don’t wait any longer. Instead turn the tables. Be the one to go walk up to greet them. You should also try to be the first person to start up a conversation.

Been social can start from your family members and close friends. Join them to participate in activities they are having .Also, you can attend social events with them to help you leave your comfort zone

Developing new friendships can also help to build your self-confidence. I’m not saying you should go and become friends with Tom, Dick and Harry. What I mean is quality relationships that will encourage and support you, helping you boost your self-confidence.

Summing It Up

I know building your self-confidence can’t be achieved in a day. It’s a journey, until you become self-confident. Be ready to go through the process.

You need to be committed to your desire to build your self-confidence. You also need to implement all points listed here. For without execution, you can’t build your self-confidence.

The world is waiting for you. Go and build your self confidence.

Do you have other ways to build your self confidence,do let me know in the comment section.And share this post if you find it helpful.

7 Reasons Why You Should Never Give Up(Even when you want to)

reasons why you should never give up

Reasons Why You Should Never Give Up

I’m giving up!

I can’t see any result yet

My challenges overwhelm me.It’s getting the better part of me and I already feel like a failure right now.

Can you relate to either of them or all? I want you to know that you are not alone. Everyone feels and experiences it.

Life challenges suck!

It makes us question ourselves, our capacity and leaves room for self-doubt to creep in. And in such moment, we get drained of our mental strength. We can’t continue again. This leaves us no choice than to give up.

But hold on, why should you give up?

Here, let me give you reasons why you should hang in there and never ever give up.

7 reasons why you should never give up

1.You are alive; this is hope

You are reading this post right now. It means you are alive. It’s a plus and the most important reason for not giving up. There is hope for a life that’s still breathing, even a living dog is better than a dead lion. You have lots of opportunities. Opportunity to make your dream happen, be who you want to be, another chance to sit down and come up with another plan to start again. Now smarter.

It’s only those who are alive get such chance. Not the dead. When you don’t succeed the first time, you can try again. Your breakthrough might be next door. Giving up is not an option if you are alive.

2.Everyone passes through life challenges

The adversity of life is not peculiar to you. Everyone goes through the ups and downs of life.

Why is this so?

Life is not a smooth ride. There are road blocks and bumps here and there. Because you live on this planet called earth, you will face challenges. Everyone.

The more you understand this about life, the easier it will be to brace yourself up and handle challenges when they show up on your doorstep.
3.You owe it to your dreams

The ‘you’ within you have a dream. A dream that can only find expression outside.

I watched a young woman on TV two days ago. She came for an audition. The voice Nigeria. The host interviewed her before she went up to sing.There, she told the host she’s been on 20 auditions. The voice Nigeria is her 21st audition. She hasn’t given up. She won’t. Yeah, she told the host so. It has been her dream to become an artist and this might be the platform to help launch her dreams.

And you know what?

She sang so well that she got picked by one of the judges.

Ok.while yours might not be to become a singer, you do have a dream waiting to be birthed. Give yourself that joy of pursuing it and make it a reality. Nobody said it will be easy and effortless. Don’t deny yourself the fulfillment that comes with making your dream happen. When you live your dreams, you live life without regrets.
4.Nobody has got it all

Do you know everything?

You don’t. I don’t. No one knows it all. It is only human that we can’t figure everything out. Your challenges do not make you less human. We are bound to make mistakes, as we look for solutions to our problems. It does not make you less human. When you fail or don’t get it right, don’t give up. Pick yourself up, try again. There is no hard or fast rule about how many times one can fail.

It’s OK to admit not to know all. It’s OK to admit a fall. But they are not a reason to give up when we face them. They are only events, the result of a strategy that will not work. A fall, a mistake doesn’t define you. Rise up and move forward. Launch out again, now armed with tested strategies and the ones untested.


5No lesson or experience to gain

Life is a teacher; the more you live, the more you learn. Adversities are great teachers for life. If you give up on your dreams, how will you grow?

Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, failed many times before he got a breakthrough. His friend who went down to Thomas’s laboratory to see him asked him this question:

“Isn’t it a shame that with the tremendous amount of work done you haven’t been able to get any results?’’ Thomas replied him, “Results! Why, man, I have gotten lots of results! I know several thousand things that won’t work!”

If he had given up on his project, he wouldn’t have become successful. And even had to know a thousand things that will never work.

We grow through trial and error. Keep trying, but never give up. Your next attempt might be the key to your breakthrough.


6. The stronger the wind; the stronger the tree

What doesn’t kill you will make you strong. A verse from the Bible says, “If you fall in the days of adversity, how small is your strength. Life challenges make you strong. It exposes you to the inner strength you never knew you have. I can tell you that you become open to possibilities to help you overcome the challenge. You learn how to use life challenges to make yourself better.Here is a helpful post on how to fail and succeed

People are not able to get a grip on challenges because of how they perceive setback and failure. When you develop the right attitude towards challenges, you stop seeing them as one. Rather you start to see it as a strength booster. To make sure you don’t get discouraged and give up, when you face challenges, ask yourself these questions:

What can I learn from this challenge? How will I grow from it?

This will put you in a positive state. And a positive mind will make you embrace your challenge, seeing it as a learning tool.
7.You are the answer to someone’s problem

Have you for a moment thought that without your contribution or story, someone out there will be missing out?

If you’ve not heard it elsewhere then here it now, you are the answer to someone’s problem.The world will care if you give up. Yes, you didn’t give them the solution you have inside of you to cure the world of what ails it.

Do not for a moment think that you are here to fill a space on earth. You are here to contribute your own quota to make the world a better place.To tell your own story as a source of inspiration.Thomas Edison never gave up and today he’s a source of inspiration to many lives.  Look around. There are needs. People are looking to find comfort and inspiration. No matter how little, your contribution will speak volume.

You have what it takes to help someone out there. That God-given gift seats inside, waiting to be unleashed.

A whole lot of people have been there before you. They were courageous and stood their ground. They kept showing up till they became a success in their different field.


Check out these inspirational quotes which will inspire and encourage you to never give up.Great minds have written them. They have been there before, but they never gave up.You can also be like them too.Here we go

Inspirational quotes encouraging you never to give up

“Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does no one else “_unknown

“Winners never quit and quitters never win.”_Vince Lombardi

“Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end.”_Roy T.Bennett

“Sometimes adversity is what you need to face in order to become successful. “_Zig Ziglar

“When you feel like giving up, remember you held on for so long in the first place.”_ Unknown

“There is no failure except in no longer trying.” _Elbert Hubbard

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” _Thomas Edison

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” _Thomas Edison

“Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit. ”_Conrad Hilton

“Never stop dreaming, never stop believing, never give up, never stop trying and never stop learnings.” _Roy T. Bennett

“Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.” _F.Scott Fitzgerald

Summing it up

Today, you should make the choice to keep trying because you are stronger than you think and still alive.Everyone has their own share of life challenges.Challenges are not there to break you but to build you up.See them as opportunities to grow.You are not here on earth by mistake.You are here to fulfill a purpose.The world awaits you.

If this post was helpful, do tell us through the comment box.And don’t forget to share.





Don’t Waste Time! 5 Attitudes That Will Help You Succeed In Reccesion

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5 Attitudes for People Who Want to Succeed in the Midst Of A Recession

Success begins with an attitude…not just any attitude.
Success is intentional. It is planned. It is an act that yields expected results when the right approach, principle, and attitude is applied. From the small goal to the big project, the attitude you put up matters a lot, as it will affect your desired result.

Attitude, in psychology, is the way people respond to an idea, object, person or situation through their emotion, belief, and behavior. Attitude influences people’s choice of action and their responses to issues and challenges. Your mental position is very expedient on your goals.

Yeah, I know. Life is filled with ups and downs, the world has enough bad news to make someone jolt out of their sanity
We’ve been listening to economic and financial experts tell us their opinion. And gradually, we’ve structured our lives based on their opinion.

Jeez….There is a recession!

But people are still buying cars, going for a vacation, building moon scrappers, living large…..all in the midst of the recession.
They are still with us…. and succeeding right under our nose.

You might ask, “How are these people succeeding in the face of economic recession? What are they doing that I’m not doing?”

Ask no further.The answer lies on how they react to situations and event they encounter. It is in the attitude they put up in the face of their daily challenges as they journey through life. They know that attitude is everything. They also know that it’s not what happens to them that matters, not even what they hear but how they choose to respond to it.

So, if you really want to up your game and succeed in the midst of a harsh economy, then you need these attitudes:

1. A Positive Attitude. A positive attitude will let you do everything that a negative attitude won’t let you do. In the midst of the recession and negative news, people are still being optimistic, pursuing their dreams and living comfortably.

The word ‘recession’ is a conspiracy against your success. It stagnates and limits your chances to achieve your desired result

HERE….let me tell you a brief story of one of the most influential businessmen and personal development experts from America.
Paul J Meyer.Before he clocked 25, he built the largest insurance agency in North America, recruiting 820 agents in 12 months at a time when the average agency was comprised of about 5-20 agents. He and his family operated more than 40 successful businesses in a multitude of industries.
How did it happen?
He had an unusually positive attitude summed up in this phrase, “the whole world is conspiring something good for me.” If there was any information or situation contrary to that, he would keep away from been negatively affected by that information. During a recession, he and his team were struggling to find new business and generate more sales. Seeing that they were surrounded by negative messages coming from all directions, the company set a goal not to read the newspaper, not to watch television and not to listen to any gossip for 30 days but simply go out and work. As a result of that decision, they increased their production by 50%.
Some people are busy listening to the news and reading media reports while some have shut their ears to this news.
‘There is a recession’ is for people who are not ready to succeed. If you fuel your journey to success based on what they are saying, you will run out of gas!
Shut your ears to any information that is against your goals to make it!
Be positive minded!

2. Guard Your Heart. Do you know that your success begins from within….your heart? The Bible says, “Guard your heart very well; life starts from there. “The battles of life are won or lost in your heart. The human mind is the seat of choices and decisions. What you allow and entertain in your mind will replicate itself as the result.

If you will succeed, you must be prepared to guard your heart. It’s ok to admit negative circumstances but it’s not ok to dwell on them. Our thoughts release brain chemical and one thing about negative thoughts is that it saps you of your mental strength. It erodes the ability of the brain to function. Guide your heart against the negative things you see and hear. Don’t entertain such thoughts.Stop listening to how there is a recession. Fill up your mind with positivity!
3. Be Persistent. Persistence in the midst of a recession is the difference between a successful life and an unsuccessful one. It is the ability to keep pushing whether circumstances are favorable or not favorable.

I love the words of USA 30th president, Calvin Coolidge, about persistence.

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘Press on’ has solved and will always solve the problems of the human race.”

If you possess everything and you don’t have persistence, you have nothing. If people give up at every slightest challenge, they will have no victories or success.

Your determination and persistence will keep you going, stay focused and true to your desire to achieve success.

4.Be Consistent. Just as persistence will keep you going, it will also knock off every wave of inconsistency. Consistency is always a sign of one’s commitment to their goal, ambition and success story.It is the difference between success and failure. Don’t underestimate the power of showing up. Don’t forget to do the things that will bring you closer to your desired result consistently.

The reason why some people fail to achieve their goals is their inconsistency in following through. Today they are showing up, putting up the right attitude as listed here, tomorrow they are packing up. It will only turn out to become futile. You need to work in a consistent manner in view of your goals. Stay on your goals and plans to succeed.

Be consistent every day. You are not going to succeed because you showed up today. You will only succeed when you show up every day.

5. Go to Work. Yeah…leave the news.
Whatever legit thing your hands find to do, do it well…..with all your being.

Summing It Up

Your reactions to what happens in your plan to succeed will determine whether you succeed or not. A positive attitude will let you do everything that a negative attitude won’t let you do. Human brain functions best when you react in a positive way.

The heart works like a computer garbage in, garbage out. What you entertain in your mind will reproduce itself as an end result. Dwell on thoughts that support your ambition, dreams, and goals to succeed.

Persistence will keep you going in the midst of setbacks and vicissitudes of life. Persistence pays.

Your commitment to following through will reward your efforts with your desired result.

When you concentrate on the right attitude, you stir up the desire to get moving, to seize the day, to take action, to conquer every adversity that jeopardizes your well-being or prosperity.
To Your Success!

Now over to you, do you have other great attitudes that will help? Use the comment box and tell us.

Don’t forget to follow my blog for great and sure tips to keep you moving.

Relationships:5 Classes Of People To Value

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Hiya lovelies! It’s another new month…beautiful and full of expectations.

A Happy new month!

Today, I’ll share a post I made on one of my social platforms,nairaland

You know life is all about building great and valuable relationships.So, this post will help us all as we journey through life.

Here we go…

“You don’t know the value of what you have until you lose it”.


Too often, we take for granted the people who deserve our gratitude, respect, and recognition.We don’t even know who we should appreciate, realize why we should recognize and value them…We never realize this, until they are gone.

If you don’t know the people to appreciate in your everyday walk, never take these people for granted.

5 Classes Of People To Value

1.Those That Worry About You

Trust me, not everyone goes around looking for ‘extras’ to worry about.Everyone has got their own personal issues to be concerned about.
When people go ‘extra’ to see to your well-being, to check on you; they surely have your best interest at heart.Such people are rare to come by-Do cherish them.

2.Those That Correct You

Taking correction is hard.Most people see correction like that bitter pill we always avoid taking when the pill has come to make us better.Somehow, somewhere; we mess up, take correction and move on.That’s life.

No one is above mistake, neither is anyone beyond correction.When people correct you, they only want to see you move on to succeed and take the right path.This act is love-driven.Don’t make light of corrections.We all need it to make progress.Respect such people.
3.Those That Are There For The Good Times And The Bad
Success has many friends, while failure has no friend’.This popular maxim is coined from the human disposition.Everybody wants the good times, nobody wants the bad times.
There are people who are with you for the benefit and when the benefit stops because of circumstances: they will turn their back against you, denying ever knowing you.When you have friends/people who are ready to stick with you through thick and thin, share your happiness and sadness: never let them go!Such folks come with the tag ‘priceless’.Appreciate them.
4.Those That Want To See You Do Well
Everyone wants to be an exact representation of ‘I am doing well’.A successful life is not gotten by mere wishing.There must be a deliberate move and effort.
Everybody is striving to beat the other person to the side at all cost.It is survival of the fittest.People are just too busy to offer a helping hand, just a very few who throw in their support.For people/friends/family whose got your back, who go out of their way to support and lend hands to your elevation and success story: always keep and appreciate them.
5.Those That Tell You The Truth
One thing people hate accepting and facing is the truth.People prefer living in deception, lies just to keep themselves from pain.As bitter as truth always set minds free.
Truth never damages a cause that is just.It is always fulfilling and rewarding to know that choices and decisions we make are based on the truth.While it takes courage and strength to admit the truth: when people/friends tell and admit the truth, when they are being honest with you, never let them go.Value them.Honesty is a scarce commodity very few can pay for.

Holding people in high esteem is just one of the ways of appreciating their impact and effort towards your wellbeing.
Value What You Have Before It Becomes What You Had.

So, this is it! I hope this post helps you to build up great, strong and valuable relationships that will help you in future.
Do you have other class of people we should value? Use the comment box.
If you are yet to follow my blog, please do, for more inspiring and great tips.

5 Simple Ways To Take Charge Of Your Day Each Day

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In a society that is becoming more busier, demanding and dynamic every day, taking charge of one’s life is now daunting and almost impossible. With the demands and distraction getting at us, we no longer focus on what matters.

Life is busy!

It’s so easy to get caught up with external activities, situations that have turned us to be passive participants in our own life.

But wait…

We are all responsible for own lives and just like the tides do not command the ship, the sailor does; it’s time to take charge of your life.

Yeah…You see!

The tides, obstruction, and distractions of life will always be there. But it’s now up to you to take the rudder and stir the ship of our life in the direction you want our life to go each day.

And if you don’t know how to take charge each day, these 5 simple ways will help you to take charge.

How To Take Charge Of Your Day Each Day

  1. Have A Quiet Moment

Quiet moments are stellar moments…..bliss!

There are a whole lot of things one could do during quiet moments. A quiet moment is simply a time to be still; to think clear of what you want out of each day and how you want to achieve it.

This is quiet moments for me,

“In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my request before you and wait in expectation.”Pslm5:3

A lot goes on during my quiet moments. I connect to the spiritual side of me.I seek God to draw from His ocean of grace to help me through the day.

Quiet moments are time taken out each day to remain still from distractions. Mornings are ideal. Such times are moments to chart the course of your day, time to purge your system from every negative vibe that will stand in your way.

It can easily be likened to a man who is about to go on a journey. He makes preparations in view of the journey. So it is with quiet moments. Quiet moments are preparation moments. When you take out some time alone before you begin your day, you position yourself to take charge of your day.

  1. Speak Positively Into Your Day

Life is governed by laws. Laws are a system of rules recognized in a place and as such, controls the action of its inhabitant. Your days only respond to the laws that govern them. And it is depended on your actions -what you say or speak.

One of such laws is the cause and effect law. It says that what we choose is what we get. What we speak is who we become. If you sprinkle positive words into your day, you attract or get a positive result. If you sprinkle negativity, a negative result follows you.

And as it turns out, nothing good comes out of negativity. Taking charge of your day means learning to speak positively, think positively and act positively. Use your lips to send your life in the direction you want it to go each day. Words are powerful.

Tell yourself each day

I am ready to take charge of my life today.

I will reach my goal.

I am stronger than my challenges.

I can do all things that benefit my life, through Christ who strengthens me.

  1. Have A To-Do List

Who wakes up each day and barges in without a to-do list? Without a plan of how he/she intends to spend 24hours? With a to-do list, you get to see your entire day before you.

A to-do list is a list of tasks that need to be completed during the day. Whatever task you want to get done should find its place on your to-do list.

It will keep you from getting lost in the busy-ness of the world. You can’t stop distraction, but you can set, do the things that are important to you with a to-do list.

My daily activities revolve around a to-do list, which keeps me organized and helps me to take charge of my day.

  1. Be Focused On Your Goal

One of the reasons why people do not get what they want is a lack of focus. A lot of things are vying for our attention….things out of our control.

Each wanting a piece of us…..Everyday

Having a to-do list, plan or goal needs a focused mind to be able to achieve them. It will help you to get things under control. A focused mind has no room for distraction.

Be determined to focus your attention and efforts on your daily task to achieve your desired goal.

  1. Be Grateful For Each Day

You may be wondering,” what has gratitude got to do with me taking charge of my day?” A grateful heart is a happy heart. Happy people exude positivity and confidence.

Showing gratitude for each day will always give you more positive energy to face each day. No matter how yesterday went, a grateful heart will always see each day as an opportunity to keep doing that which will position him to take charge every day.

Be grateful for little things…Be grateful for big things…Be grateful for each day

Summing it up

Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by the choices you make. Making the choice to take charge of your day is a huge step in the right direction. Your life takes up a new shape and meaning.

Always remember….it’s one day at a time.

That’s what life is all about.

Take charge today!

If you find this post helpful, don’t forget to share.

Spread the love!

Moving Forward


Hi, Lovelies!! New Year greetings, New Month greetings…… from me to you all.

So, this is my first post for this year.I’m really excited to have you all on board 2017.

To all of you lovelies who were here on my blog last year……..A big thanks for your wonderful engagement here.You rock!

Let’s do more this year.

Also to my new readers and followers……thank you for joining us here too. Sit tight. We are all poised to live and become better.

New Year brings great opportunities and possibilities. The beauty of this New Year is that other past years doesn’t get to define it. The past years are just chapters in the story of your life; chapters that have been closed to usher you into a new chapter.

It’s simply a fresh start!

As it turns out, this is an opportunity to look at how you fared last year, evaluate your life to ascertain what you did right and what you did wrong………we all are in this together.

We all want to do more and become better each year. But, these dreams, aspirations are just not easy to come by


Because life does not give you what you want or desire. Life only gives you what you place a demand for. Placing a demand for your dreams and goals to become a reality means, fighting for your dreams.

It is working hard enough, seeking ways to realize them and believing that you can make it work out.

I don’t know how the previous years and month was for you: where you able to achieve something tangible, did you succeed in seeking meaningful relationships?

You see…….

Life is a process. You won’t get it all in a day, month or year. The most important thing is your decision and determination to make each day count for you.

The New Year and New Month is a great start to set your mind to go for the best.

Don’t allow the last or previous years to hold you back from experiencing another new level and opportunity this year

A new experience from within, new experience with friends and family, a new experience in your business and career. This post is a great help on where to start to make this year much better, meaningful and purposeful for you.


Will you make this year and month count?

Here is why I asked.

Every knowledge, advice, motivation and inspiration we get is as good as nothing without an action. For every decision you’ll be taking this year, you will have to back it up with actions to give life to them. That’s the way we know that you’ve truly resolved and decided to make this year count.

You don’t need lot of plans or goals to be a success.

What you only need is to be consistent and disciplined enough to live out each day. It’s true that ’the secret to your success is hidden in your daily routine.’

Concentrate on what you do each day because they’re summing up your 2017.

I’m much committed and determined to make 2017 count.

I’m much more, ready to make the sacrifice, go the extra mile to move to the next level and make this year happen for me.

You can as well….You will

2017 will be a great jolly ride.

We are going to have a great and purposeful ride.

Do you have any tips for moving forward? I will like to know.Hit the comment box.

Photo credit:pixabay

If you love this post, you might also like A Purposeful October

Healthy Dose Of Inspiration For Your Success


A successful businessman was asked to mention the secret of his success, he quickly wrote down the following:

“After God, my work comes first: pleasure comes after duty. To achieve my goals. I schedule my daily, weekly and monthly priorities and focus on them till I see them through.”

Successful people live a planned, disciplined and focused life.

They don’t wake up with no laid down plan to run each day. Successful people have a target, goal or something that they want to pursue and achieve.-and they follow through. They don’t mix business with pleasure.

It’s so sad that too much kick for pleasure has stopped many people from being successful in life.
You cannot seek pleasure and success at the same time and expect to be successful. The body naturally loves pleasure-hedonism. It doesn’t want to be subjected to work and meaningful activities. So when you don’t plan and discipline your life, it will head towards a pleasure-seeking direction.

People and business fail for lack of a plan.

As a student or career (business) man, do you have a plan?
If you do, do you follow your plan through?

We all have 24 hrs. in a day each. The difference is what we do with them.
When you don’t put your time to good use, people with no plan and direction will use up your time.
The truth still remains that, there’s always something that wants our time and attention.

Your success in life is determined by how you use your time and what you spend your time on.

You will always become whatever you exchange your time for. Don’t just wake up and barge into the day.

  • Have a plan.
  • Have an objective.
  • Have a focus, more especially on activities that will give your life a meaning…and make you successful.

In conclusion,
Before you start your day, don’t forget to do these

Have a quiet time. Here, you come before God to take you through the day. It’s always an opportunity to prepare your mind for the day. Make it personal.

Schedule your daily activities. Scheduling your day helps you take charge of your life, monitor your activities and avails you to be on the lookout for distractions and time wasters.

Make it a habit…Successful people have great habits.

Always be focused on your goals for the day and follow them through.

Don’t mix business with pleasure. Learn to draw the lines.

Discipline your life, distractions are knocking every day.

Be deliberate with your time: use it or waste it.
You are going somewhere, don’t live your life anyhow.

Now over to you. What are your healthy dose of inspiration for each day?
Did you find this post inspiring? Use the comment box and tell me.Have you followed my blog yet?
Please follow for more refreshing and inspiring post.

How To Fail And Succeed

Do you know that one of the quickest ways to be nothing is to do nothing?

If you don’t want to fail,do nothing.

If you don’t want to make mistakes,do nothing.

If you don’t want to succeed,do nothing……Then watch the world pass you by.

The world has painted the word ‘failure’ in a bad light that it has affected people’s mindset and approach towards failure.Many people have driven themselves into inertia as a result of the fear living inside of them .Ideas and dreams are on hold,fear of not been good enough_mediocrity is rampant,has stagnated a lot of people.

You see,the deal is this:no life is a failure,problem and mistake free.As long as you are enrolled in this school called LIFE,you are not immune or exempted from failure.No one is!

Failure has its reason for existing.Have you ever paused to ponder what life will look

like,would have been,if we try something and didn’t make mistakes,meet any resistance and challenge?

There would be no experience and story to tell or learn from.There would be no feeling of satisfaction at having done something.People appreciate more what they worked hard for to get than what they didn’t sweat to get.

From history,great men have been failing.Their success today is attributed to their failure.

Check this:

*Charles Darwin gave up a medical career and was told by his father,”you care for nothing but shooting dogs and rat catching.”

*Henry Ford failed and went broke five times before he succeeded.

*Thomas Edison’s teacher said he was too stupid to learn anything!As an inventor,he made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb_an invention with 1,000 steps.When he was asked about his failings,he said,”I have not failed.I have just found 9,999 ways that do not work.”

These great men were not stopped by failure or mistakes,neither did they back off because of people’s opinion about them.

Humans are prone to failure because of limitation.

God pointed out  that,”though the righteous falls seven times,he will get up.”God is saying here that there will be a fall,a mistake and when it happens ;don’t stay down,don’t give up,dust yourself up and continue from where you fell.

If you must succeed in life,here are


1.Change Your Attitude Towards Failure:”As a man thinks,so is he.” The way you think and feel about failure affects your pursuit of success.You need a positive attitude to fail and try again.

God gave us a positive and bold spirit,not fear.Do not let fear ruin you.Do not fear failure.Try again.

2.Do Not Personalize Failure:It is human to fail.No one is immune from it.Failure is an event and not a person_not you.It is not a racial nor gene thing either.That you failed once does not make you a flop.It only means that you have not found the method that works.It is alright to fail but,not alright to stay down after failing.

3.See Failure As A Success Tool:When there is a pursuit,people look for ways and the tools to facilitate  and help achieve it.Trial and error are one of the tools of solving life’s problem.It is a necessary tool to know ways and methods that can produce the desired result.Thomas Edison found 9,999 ways that will not work out for his light bulb invention.

4.Learn From Your Failure:Failure is a teacher.At every point in life,there are two ways to getting paid:with money or experience.If you fail,you have succeeded halfway by trying and have also gained experience

As you step out to pursue your dreams:let your dreams be bigger than your fears.Let your desire be greater than the fear and thought of failure.Do not allow the fear of failure to limit you or deny you the opportunity to seek and explore other ways of achieving your dreams,ambition and glorious destiny.
Failure does not come from falling down.Failure comes from not getting up.

Do you have other tips too?Please use the comment box.Don’t forget to share.Let’s do it together.

To Your Purpose Fulfillment!











What You Never Knew About Switching Lanes

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“Never change lanes without giving the proper signal and looking to make sure the move can be made safely”

This is one of the tips used by drivers to prevent collision on highways but,is it also applicable in our walk to fulfill our purpose?
The story of the parable of the talent has been popping up at every turn these past few days.I just knew  that God is trying to point out something there to help us in our life’s journey.
“Again,it will be like a man going on a journey,who called his servants and entrusted his property to them.To one he gave five talents of money,to another two talents and to another one talent,each according to his ability.Then he went on his journey.”(Matthew25:14-15)
Some people are still oblivious that God is the giver of talents and gifts.The scripture again stated that “The gift and calling of God is without repentance”God won’t change his mind about what He has called us to do or the lane He has assigned to us.God is the source of life, owner of every gift and talent.Your gift and talent are God’s investment over your life.Every life is an investment meant to yield interest.

Last month,I told a friend about my intention to revive and stay commited to my blog.He commended me and threw in his support.He said that I was going to be’ Linda Ikeji the second'(grinning:Linda is Nigerias blogger queen on entertainment)I told him that I am not and can never be Linda Ikeji.I am ‘Jane the first’,lol.Linda is plowing her own field with her talent and I am also going to plow my own field-purpose.
God does not make make mistakes.He created us each with latent gift and talent which are meant to be discovered,explored,harnessed and deployed but,when we abandon our talent and try to switch lane,we limit our originality.

The rule is this:
For you to function as an original,maximize your life,you will have to stay in the confines of the abilities wired into you.God gives gift based on ability.He knows what you can be good at,the lane that best suits and describes you.When you leave who you were meant to be to become someone else,you become a photocopy.

Linda Ikeji caught an idea and with her talent is flourishing today, through her blog.Mark Zukerberg also caught and is making it through Facebook.;even Seun of Nairaland.All of which are blazing a trail.
It’s surprising how some people with ‘microwave success syndrome’ see other peoples success and abandon their gift,talent,lane,calling,assignment to work in another mans field,not knowing that no matter how they try to imitate them,they can never be them or go beyond them.Life is all about what you have been wired and created to be.

Why imitate someone else?
Why walk in another man’s lane?
Why abandon,neglect your gift to take up someone’s else?

Imitation is limiting yourself.Make your life easier by plowing your own field.
You are peculiar and special to God.All it takes to fulfill purpose,your God-given destiny, become successful is to be YOURSELF.God has no photocopying machine to make  multiple duplicate.He has one mold for each person,no two persons are the same.
When you try to be someone else,the best you can ever be is number two.You can never rise above the person you are imitating.Don’t go looking outside,your gifts are inside of you waiting to be discovered.

Sit down with God and search within you.Seek God.
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.You are perculiar and special to God.The sky is large enough to accomodate everyone and their uniqueness,gift and talent.
Stick to your path,mind your lane.
stay focused on your life’s journey.
Dare to be different,Dare to be you!

To your purpose fulfillment!