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Facebook and Instagram:Which is Good for Your Business?

Which is good for your business_

Businesses have gone social with their product and services. All thanks to social media platforms.

Social media has moved from being a social hub for connecting friends, family, acquaintance, to become the next big connection and marketing tools for businesses.

Facebook and Instagram are popular social media platforms. This is because of their larger userbase. And while they are different platforms owned by one person, Mark Zuckerberg; each stands out on its own. Each has a distinctive and unique feature that makes it stand out for marketing and advertising purposes.

The decision to use Facebook or Instagram for your business is dependent on some factors, as they will help you make an informed decision. Let’s take a look at the following factors to consider, to know the best fit for your business goal.

Factors to consider if Facebook or Instagram is good for your business

Consumer Reach


Facebook has over 2.19 billion active monthly users as of June   2018, according to statista. Instagram recorded 1 million monthly active users in June 2018. Facebook’s user base is more compared to Instagram. And it’s more popular among early bloomers (old folks).

Well, you can say that Facebook has been on board for a longer time before Instagram came onto the scene. However, Instagram is gaining traction rapidly on social networks worldwide. It is now a favorite among teens and young millennial.

Here are some statistics to compare how they perform in terms of reach


  • 2.19 Million monthly active users.
  • 1.45 Billion daily active users.
  • 1.71 Billion mobile monthly active users.
  • 15% of global active users are women between   18 and 24 years.
  • 350 million photos are shared each day.
  • 83% of users are female.
  • 75% of users are male



  • 1 Milion monthly active users.
  • Chat app has 400 million daily users, while story users line up from 300million.
  • 745 million mobile monthly active users.
  • 11% of global active users are between 18 and 24years .
  • 50.3% of users are female.
  • 49.7% of users are male.



When it comes to content sharing and engagement on posts, Instagram takes the lead. Instagram has been shown to have the most engaged post, which is 10 times higher than Facebook. Instagram makes it easy for users to have a no clutter experience with its distinctive features. There, it’s scroll, like and scroll, like. It’s easy to navigate.

However, Facebook has its newsfeed cluttered with posts from friends, groups, pages, etc. And sometimes, it’s shared, tagged or sponsored posts. It’s always difficult for content shared there to receive maximum engagement from users who come in contact with the content.

Facebook uses a mix of text, videos, infographics, and images to engage with users on the platform. It provides businesses with many options to choose how they want to engage with existing customers and new prospects. Content can be created in a text, video or image format as the case may be.

Facebook is the best bet for a business that needs more than a picture to tell its story.

Instagram is the true definition of a picture speaking one thousand words, as its primary focus is on images. It’s built as a photo sharing platform and makes use of images and a 60 minutes video to connect with users there. Instagram does well for businesses that want to showcase their products and services in a visual context.Like beauty, fashion or architectural industries.

Instagram is a celebrity hub and it brings fans closer to their favorite celebrities. It’s been confirmed that the most engaging posts are from celebrities.



Facebook has come a long way and has built a community of relationships, attracting more adult internet users. Adults as old as 65 years are found on the social network, with 13 years been the youngest user according to a survey conducted. It also has consumers with higher income and spending power too. This is a huge plus for businesses that might consider using Facebook to target specific consumers.


Instagram’s visual and creative platform attracts younger users.90% of its users are younger than 35 years.It has the largest demographic group comprising of males between 18 to 24 years. Instagram is ideal for reaching a younger audience if they are your target audience.


 Summing it up

Facebook and Instagram are great and popular platforms to market your product and service.

And the decision to use them for your business goal depends on the nature of your business. It will be best to try out both platforms to weigh their impact on your business since they have a larger user base from both old and young folks.

Now over to you.

Which of these two platforms do you think is good for marketing your product and service?

Use the comment box, let me know.